The Great American Outdoors Act: Vital to Recovery and our Future Webinar

We’re at a turning point for parks and open space in America. Parks have emerged as essential to healthy, resilient communities during the pandemic, but the crisis has also laid bare the dire inequalities in outdoor access across the nation. Right now, we’re on the brink of a defining legislative victory: securing full and dedicated funding to the Land and Water Conservation Fund. This has been a generation in the making and could transform the outlook for outdoor equality across the country. Read more and register.

2020 Georgia Trail Summit

The 2020 Georgia Trail Summit will feature exciting field experiences, inspiring keynote speeches and engaging sessions designed to set into motion a shared vision for making Georgia a premier hiking, cycling and paddling destination.

From walking and biking to work and school to running and jogging for physical fitness, and from backcountry hiking to floating our state’s waterways, Georgia’s trails connect us with each other, get us outdoors and enrich our lives.

The Trust for Public Land presents the 2020 Georgia Trail Summit. For decades, the TPL has worked across the country and in Georgia to create parks and protect land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come.