The City of Peachtree City, Georgia, has hired a consultant team to prepare a major update to the 2001 Peachtree City Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) study. The purpose of this study is to keep the LCI plan relevant and produce new recommendations for implementation.
This study is about making recommendations with public input on how to improve connections to destinations within our City core for travel and to use alternative means of transportation [walk, bike, carts].
The LCI plan focuses on the connection between land use, transportation, and economic development. The 2020 study area is centered around the SR 54/74 intersection, extending east to Lake Peachtree, south to Paschall Road, west to the County line, and north to Aberdeen Parkway.
The consultant team will present their initial findings and learn more from your input at the Public Kick-off Meeting in City Hall Council Chambers.
For more information about the study and to pre-register your planned attendance, visit the Peachtree City LCI website.