Atlanta City Council adopts Vision Zero, 25 mph default speed limit

On April 20 the Atlanta City Council voted unanimously to adopt the Vision Zero Strategic Transportation Plan proposed by Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms. The policy is focused on eliminating traffic deaths and reducing crashes and serious injuries in the City of Atlanta.

From an April 21 press release

"The new Vision Zero legislation also includes a citywide ordinance lowering the default speed limit on local roads in Atlanta to 25 miles per hour for the purpose of improving public health and safety. Vehicular speed plays a critical role in the frequency and severity of crashes. Speed contributed to 52 percent of the 73 traffic fatalities recorded in 2019. Lowering the speed limit on Atlanta’s streets will improve safety of all travelers, including children, the elderly, minorities and low-income persons, pedestrians, cyclists, and those using scooters and other mobility devices."

Congratulations to our friends at the Atlanta Bicycle Coalition and PEDS, along with all their partner organizations! Read more about ABC’s Vision Zero Campaign and what they are doing to celebrate this victory.


Annual event at the State Capitol informs lawmakers about issues important to bicyclists

Our mission is to improve bicycling conditions and promote bicycling throughout Georgia, a significant task in a state as large as ours. To accomplish our mission, we partner with and support bicycle advocacy organizations around the state as well as our statewide partner on pedestrian issues, PEDS. We also serve as your voice at the State Capitol, ensuring that lawmakers are aware of the issues that affect people who ride bikes in Georgia.

These two efforts came together earlier this month when we hosted the annual Biking and Walking Breakfast for legislators. We were joined at the Capitol by biking. walking, and rolling advocates from around the state, who engaged with elected officials to discuss how they can help make Georgia safer for people who bike, walk, and roll. Read all about this year’s Biking and Walking Breakfast and the legislation we are tracking for you this year here: Bike-Friendly Agenda meets legislature.

Transit Equity Day Press Conference

Join MARTA Army and our partners at Atlanta Bike Coalition, Georgia STAND-UP, PEDS, iAccess Life, Sierra Club, Partnership for Southern Equity, and Transformation Alliance to launch Operation Bus Stop Census, a crowdsourcing effort to catalog transit bus stops to better inform advocacy efforts and to raise the standards of bus access in the region

2020 Georgia Walks Summit

Out of an abundance of caution and recent recommendations around COVID-19, PEDS has made the difficult decision to postpone the summit until Oct. 22-23.

The Georgia Walks Summit is an annual statewide gathering of transportation and public health professionals, elected officials and community advocates committed to making our streets and communities great places to walk.