Smart Cycling Class in Savannah

Do you know all you need to know to safely ride a bike with traffic? Do you feel you know enough to teach your children how to ride cautiously and conspicuously while on their own? When you drive your car, are you confident on how to share the road with people on bikes?

The Smart Cycling program gives you the tips, tools, and techniques to confidently answer YES to each question. Our classes are taught by League of American Bicyclists certified instructors.

The class will be held on Saturday April 2, from 1-4:30 p.m. All participants must have their own bikes and helmets. If you do not have a helmet, you can purchase one from us for a very low price. You must be 16 years or older to take this class. Minors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian, who is also registered for the class.

Participants must successfully complete the following online class modules before April 1: Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, and Exam.

Snacks will be provided, but participants will need to bring water.

This class is presented by Georgia Bikes with the support of the Georgia Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and hosted by Bike Walk Savannah.


Smart Cycling Class in Brunswick

Do you know all you need to know to safely ride a bike with traffic? Do you feel you know enough to teach your children how to ride cautiously and conspicuously while on their own? When you drive your car, are you confident on how to share the road with people on bikes?

The Smart Cycling program gives you the tips, tools, and techniques to confidently answer YES to each question. Our classes are taught by League of American Bicyclists certified instructors.


2022 National Bike Summit

The 23rd Annual National Bike Summit will take place Sunday, March 27 – Wednesday, March 30, 2022. At the 2022 National Bike Summit, attendees will convene around the theme of Choosing Our Future. The 2022 National Bike Summit will be a hybrid event, with online content and in-person programming available.


Webinar: Two Hours Or More, Long-term Bike Parking For Sure

When a bike commuter or person running errands by bike sizes up parking locations, the length of time we intend to park informs where we will choose to park. If bicyclists anticipate parking for more than two hours, priorities will likely shift from the convenience of the location and how easy the rack is to use to the security of the location and how well protected it is from the elements. Sometimes bicyclists do not have to choose between these values, but often we do.

In this webinar, co-hosted by Dero and the League of American Bicyclists, bike parking experts will present the most pertinent features and specific considerations for long-term bike parking facilities. More information.

Webinar: How to Make Your Bike Data Count

For Bicycle Friendly Communities and bike advocacy groups, the importance of collecting bike data is often well known. From manual counts to surveys, bike parking data to automated counts, bike data is more available than ever. Analyzing, organizing and communicating that data for meaningful change, however, remains challenging and under-discussed.

What are the best-practices for collecting, analyzing and communicating bike data? How can advocates get the most out of a little bit of data? How can manual bike counts be leveraged in a community to support change?

During this free one-hour webinar, hear from bike data experts and the winners of this year’s Bikes Count data competition on all things bike data.

Federal Policy Update: Biden’s infrastructure plan and what it means for bikes

Join the League for a discussion of Biden’s infrastructure plan and what it means for bikes, reauthorization and advocacy this summer.   We’ll also talk about National Bike Summit follow up – “Member hearing day” in the transportation committee is next week.  Plus what to watch for this summer– and what you can do to help us take advantage of the great opportunities to promote bicycle friendly policy in Congress this year. Registration and more information.

Let’s send a big (virtual) delegation to the National Bike Summit

22nd Annual gathering of bicycle advocates will be held online Feb. 28-March 3

Members of the Georgia delegation at the 2018 National Bike Summit

The 2021 National Bike Summit will be held online again this year, making attendance more accessible and affordable for bicycle advocates in Georgia. League of American Bicyclists members qualify for a reduced registration rate. A Summit Youth Scholarship is available for attendees age 21 and under.

Programming for this year’s Summit will start around 1 p.m., each day permitting people from across the country tune in to take part in the movement, highlighted in this year’s theme of Bikes: Our Vehicle For Change. 

Program highlights so announced so far include:

  • A keynote presentation by thought leader and researcher Charles Brown, MPA, CPD, highlighting “the social, political, economic, and health impacts of racial disparities in transportation and examine the ways in which our approaches to transportation research, planning, policy, and design can and must be reimagined to achieve greater mobility, health, and quality of life for all road users.” Brown delivered the keynote at the 2018 Georgia Bike Summit.
  • A session on “Making Cars That Don’t Kill” featuring a discussion with author Angie Schmitt, David Zipperand Dara Baldwin with the Center for Disability Rights about the increasing size and deadliness of cars and trucks on our roads, plus ways advocates can push to make the safety of people outside of cars a priority in vehicle design.
  • A panel getting into the details about “Communicating Active Transportation Benefits to State DOTs” with insights from Toks Omishakin with CalTrans and Julie Harris with Bike Walk Nebraska. 

The summit also includes a virtual Lobby Day during which advocates will communicate with members of Congress, regional online social events, the first U.S. screening of We Cycle Together, and many more sessions on four tracks: Education, Engagement, Engineering, and Encouragement. The next secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation has also been invited to attend.

On Your Left!: The transformative power of eCargo bikes in your community’s vehicle fleet

Join the League of American Bicyclists and Saris Infrastructure to learn how commercial and public sector eCargo bikes will make your community more bike friendly and discover innovative ways to advocate for eCargo bikes in your community’s fleet. Representatives from the City of Madison and Saris Infrastructure will discuss findings, lessons learned and best practices developed from America’s first public sector eCargo bike pilot. Registration and more information.