2021 Athens To Savannah Ride

SAVE THE DATE: October 22, 23 and 24. 2021 ride information, pricing and registration will be available soon. More information.

If you have questions about the ride, call ride organizer Mary Charles at 706-338-8054.

Athens to Savannah Ride

This AthSav 2020 ride has a slightly new route and overnight location through Sandersville, Ga. This new route will closely align with the proposed Georgia Hi-Lo Trail path.

In-person riding is limited to 50-people, due to Coronavirus precautions. Participating VIRTUALLY is an option. 

How does virtual participation work?

Virtual participation means you decide:
1) How much mileage you want to cover: 235 miles, 100 miles, 50 miles, 25 miles, 10 miles?
2) Do you want to bike, run, walk this mileage?
3) In what amount of time do you want to complete your mileage?
We ask that you complete your mileage between Oct. 1-25, 2020.

Document your own mileage & process on your personal AthSav page we give you upon registration. More information.