Webinar: Make News and Take Advantage of News Cycles

Yes, the time of the Corona Virus is both confusing and challenging for everyone right now but our clearer skies and traffic calmed streets are also the perfect time to create a more dynamic media relations strategy to call attention to active mobility.

We’re living in a time of disruption. Now more than ever it’s time for fresh, strategic thinking.

Using the bike as the center piece for successful case studies this online course will give you the tools and tips you need to think outside of the box to get the story of the work you’re doing into the media in a powerful ongoing way.pedal

Webinar: Dynamic Streets, Curbs, and Sidewalks in COVID-19

Previous plans to expand bike networks and more space for pedestrians are being fast-tracked as stay-at-home orders for COVID-19 demand more room for people to adequately practice social distancing while remaining active and making trips for essential goods and services. As cities move quickly, it is important for them to have tools to rapidly create these new policies and communicate them easily to mobility operators and the public. Cities across the world, from Oakland to Denver to Milan to Paris, are moving to free up more space for pedestrians and cyclists, often by accelerating existing plans. This webinar will discuss how cities are taking action and how new digital tools can support more dynamic management of their streets, curbs, and sidewalks.

Virtual Macon Bike Party

It’s all about social distancing and coping with staying at home. Take a nice leisurely bike ride and post a video of your personal bike party in this facebook event. In your video, tell us why biking is important to you, your family, your kids, or your community. Ride fun, safe, and solo (or with your pandemic partners) in your yard or neighborhood, but please keep your distance by staying more than 6 feet away from others and remember to wash your hands.

Webinar: Who gets access to public space in a pandemic?

The Bass Center for Transformative Placemaking at Brookings will examine the evolving landscape, address what role city leaders and public space managers are playing in ensuring equitable access to safe open space during the pandemic, and discuss what supports are still needed to create a more equitable public realm in the near and long term.

Viewers can submit quest

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Savannah’s level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes.

This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. Bicycle theft prevention will also be discussed. The seminar is ideal for students and other new arrivals in Savannah.

Visit bikewalksavannah.org for more information. Registration is free, but required.

My Bike Macon Photo Series

The “My Bike Macon project” is an ongoing series of portraits and profiles of Maconites who use a bicycle to get around for more than just recreation. These photos highlight people who bike to get to work or school, or bike to run errands, or bike to improve their health. Together, these images and stories begin to form a portrait of Macon as an emerging bicycling city. This project is launched by Bike Walk Macon and photographer Dsto Moore to help celebrate Bike Walk Month, but it will continue to highlight different photographers and bicycle commuters every month.

Savannah Cyclofemme Ride

Ride together (virtually) with Bike Walk Savannah this weekend for the Eighth Annual Savannah CycloFemme, sponsored by the Law Office of Joseph J. Steffen, Jr.  The ride route will be posted on Friday at 10 a.m., but you can join in at any point!

Post photos and videos from your ride on social media and make sure to tag @BikeWalkSAV and #BikeWalkSAV #Cyclofemme.

The ride will be approximately 6 miles and be great for beginners, commuters, racers and everyone in between.! The ride is free, but participants are encouraged to consider a donation to our New Standard Cycles Program at bikewalksavannah.org/donate. Don’t forget your helmet and water!

Bike to School Day 2020: From a Distance

May 4: INSPIRE: Decorate your sidewalk, windows or bike with signs of encouragement for your neighbors to bike and walk. For motivation to get biking, older students and caregivers can check out this inspirational video from People for Bikes.

May 5: PREPARE: Conduct a bike safety and helmet fit check. Do you have a bicycle? If so, have you done a basic safety check? Check the fit of your helmet and teach others in your family how to properly fit their helmets. Then, do the ABC Quick Check with help from the League of American Bicyclists. If you’re teaching a new bicyclist to ride, check out this instructional video for beginners from REI.

May 6: GET OUT THERE: Get out for a walk or ride with your family! Can you take a test ride to your school or around your neighborhood? Or take a walk to hunt for chalk art or signs created by others near you? Share a photo of your family or a location on your route with the tag #BiketoSchoolDay.

May 7: SHARE: Do you have safety concerns with walking or biking around your neighborhood? Learn who can help address those concerns using this list from PBIC and reach out.

May 8: TALK: Hold a five-minute interview with family members about their experience walking or biking. Look into online resources and biking and walking activities encouraged by your state or community transportation departments and advocacy groups.

Webinar: The Future of Public Space

In dense urban centers, residents have been flocking to parks for fresh air and exercise during the pandemic, while others have taken to the sidewalks for essential travel. But some park facilities are closing due to overcrowding, while sidewalks have proven too narrow to safely accommodate growing pedestrian volumes with physical distancing requirements. Meanwhile, other cities around the world are giving over road space to people on bikes and on foot, and making bold plans for public space, post-pandemic. COVID-19 has highlighted the value of our public realm, and the urgent need in many cities for more public space. What can we learn from COVID about how to design and distribute public space in our cities?

This is a FREE event but registration is required. Webinar dial-in details will be provided upon registration.

Team Give Back’s 4th Annual Virtual Benefit Event

Friday May 15 through Sunday May 17, Team Give Back will be hosting a VIRTUAL athletic event. All proceeds will benefit Carsten, so mark your calendars!! You can participate in a 1-mile Fun Run and 5K for the runners and walkers and for the cyclist we have a 25, and 50 mile bike option. More information.