Not only is October the nicest time to ride your bike, but it’s also a super-fun month-long event for families, bike riders and Brookhaven.
Great prizes, everyone wins! More information.
23rd Annual Thankful Ride
The 23rd annual Thankful Ride happens again this year on—guess what?—Thanksgiving Day morning! What better time to gather with fellow bike riders, enjoy quiet residential roads of Brookhaven and Chamblee, and work up an appetite for that holiday feast? The ride is 12 miles or 26 miles, and leaves at 9 AM from Savi Market, 1388 Dresden Drive, in Brookhaven Village. The Thankful Ride is for all types and ages of bikes and bike riders, and the route is painted on the road so you can ride at your own pace. Come join us, and bring family and friends! Note that you can take your bike on MARTA as a convenient way to get to the ride start. More information.
Bike Month Advocacy Organization Profile: Brookhaven Bike Alliance
Throughout May we are celebrating National Bike Month 2020 by sharing information on bicycle advocacy organizations around the state that are working to improve conditions for people who ride bikes … Read more