18th Annual Biking Bleckley

Ride the beautiful winding roads of Cochran and Bleckley County as the Cochran-Bleckley Chamber kicks off one of the first events of the biking season. With four (4) routes to choose from, there is something for everyone. Plus, there will be t-shirts, fun rest stops, lunch, snacks, drinks, goodie bags, SAG wagon and entertainment available for all riders.

Check-In — Begins 1 Hour Before Ride Time

50 Mile & Metric 100/62.5 Mile Rides — Begins at 8:30 am

15 Mile & 30 Mile—Begins at 9:30 am

Registration Fee — $40.00 Per Person

Register online

Upon completion of registration, visit the Cochran-Bleckley Chamber of Commerce square account for payment.

After March 5 the fees increase and limited t-shirts will be available at point of sale on March 20.

Local regulations and CDC guidelines will be used to conduct this event. Participants will adhere to mask requirements and social distancing in order to keep everyone safe. If necessary organizers will stagger starts in small groups by categories based on number of riders participating.

If you have question please email info@cochran-bleckley.com or call the office at 478.934.2965.