Join Bike Alpharetta to clean and repair 300 bikes and trikes in ONE DAY with the help of 120+ volunteers. All items are provided to Toyland for North Fulton Community Charities free of charge!
Bike Alpharetta
Trails & Ales Greenway Bike Ride
Bring your friends and family to join us for a bike ride on Alpharetta’s scenic Big Creek Greenway. Meet at Jekyll Brewing’s Marconi Drive location for an out and back ride. Chose your own distance between 1 and 16 miles round trip. More information.
Trails & Ales Greenway Bike Ride
Bring your friends and family to join us for a bike ride on Alpharetta’s scenic Big Creek Greenway. Meet at Jekyll Brewing’s Marconi Drive location for an out and back ride. Chose your own distance between 1 and 16 miles round trip. Post-ride social at Jekyll with food truck and ice-cold beverages! More information. More information.
Bike Alpharetta Fun Greenway “Zen” Ride
Do It Your ZEN Self Rides are an informal ride at your own pace on the Alpharetta Greenway. While not an organized group ride, start at Jekyll Brewing Taproom (on Marconi Drive, park on side of building) and look for others doing a ZEN ride, walk or run, then gather back at the brewery. Meets FIRST and THIRD Fridays of each month from Mar 5 to Nov 5. Reminder – ride at your own risk, wear a helmet, no ear buds, and call out passing on the left. More information.
Bike Alpharetta Fun Greenway “Zen” Ride
Do It Your ZEN Self Rides are an informal ride at your own pace on the Alpharetta Greenway. While not an organized group ride, start at Jekyll Brewing Taproom (on Marconi Drive, park on side of building). More information.
Zen Ride!
Due to coronavirus pandemic we are highly recommending the “Do It Yourzelf Zen Ride” – first and third Fridays (starting June 5). Start on Greenway (bike, run, walk, skate) from Marconi Drive trailhead, and then end with adult beverages at Jekyll Brewing Taproom (right off the end of the Greenway). More information.
Adopt a Mile with Bike Alpharetta
Help Bike Alpharetta clean up Cumming Street. in Alpharetta. Meet at Manning Oaks Elementary School at 10 a.m. Clean up is usually done cleaning by noon. It’s tons of fun, and for a good cause.