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Coastal Bicycle Touring Club

  1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. Coastal Bicycle Touring Club
Events from this organizer

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Savannah, GA Various, Savannah, GA, United States

January 4, Right Turn Clyde. 34 and 23 miles. Meet/start from the Kroger Parking lot, 5720 Ogeechee Road, Savannah. Ride is an out-and-back route through Southbridge Blvd to Dean Forest, left on Pine Meadow (aka Mitsubishi), left on Pine Barren to intersection of Pine Barren/Bloomingdale Road (17 miles) then reverse/return. Lunch following at El Mariachi ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

11 January, Springfield Ride. 34 and 23 miles. Take Georgia HWY 21 north to 840 South Laurel Street, Springfield. Park next to Gaffney’s Cheap Seats restaurant (now closed). Post ride lunch at El Ranchito, 1438 Georgia Highway 21 South, Springfield. Ride leader: Kim Turner, 214-725-2490, kimbooskie@gmail.com. In the event of rain or extreme cold, check ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

8 February, Islands Ride. 34 and 23 miles. Start from Forsyth Park at the corner of Gaston and Bull Streets, ride to Burnside and Isle of Hope, and then back to the Forsyth Park. Moderate pace some sprints, but an easy ride overall. Meet for lunch and conversation post-ride at Mellow Mushroom. Ride leader: John ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Soup Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

Special ride this Saturday! It is our annual "Soup Ride" in beautiful Rincon, Georgia. Bring soup or other dish to share. 2.15.2020, roll at 9 am. Be there by 8:30 for bagels and coffee. 26/38 mile rides. Meet/park at the Macomber Recreational Building, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon. Participants can drop off their “Soup Ride” contribution ... Read more


CANCELLED: Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride: Liberty Trail

Smoking Pig 13711 E Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA, United States

This ride has been cancelled due to freezing temperatures expected on Feb. 22.  22 February, Liberty Trail Ride. 26/31 miles. Take I95 south to exit 76, TR and meet at the Smokin’ Pig restaurant, 13711 Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA., location of the post ride lunch. Ride leader TBD but feel free to contact Kim Turner, ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Guyton City Hall 310 Central Blvd, Guyton, GA, United States

SATURDAY CBTC RIDE! COME JOIN US! Roll time 9 am. Be there early to get ready. Lunch afterwards nearby. 29 February, Guyton Ride. 25/38 miles. Meet/park at the parking lot by the caboose/trailhead, across the Georgia Highway 17 from Guyton City Hall, 310 Georgia Highway 17. Ride leader: Mike Griffith, 614-216-3462, griffohio@gmail.com.

Pink Cupcake Ride: Coastal Bicycle Touring Club SAG Support

Lowe's Pooler 1565 Pooler Parkway, Pooler, GA, United States

This is an annual ride, held this year on March 7th. It is called the Pink Cupcake ride and celebrates the birthday of founder, John Jensen (jjensen@georgiasouthern.edu, 912-704-8660). 120/140 miles. Park in the Pooler Lowe’s parking lot, 1565 Pooler Parkway, Pooler, Ga. The 7th annual Pink Cupcake ride is not for the faint hearted rider. ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Saturday Morning Ride

AL, Germany

Most rides meet up on Saturday mornings at 8:45 a.m. for a 9 a.m. roll-out, and during the warmer months, we meet around 8:15 a.m.  and roll-out at 8:30 a.m. After the ride we join (at the proper social distance) for an outdoor picnic.  Call or email if you have a question about the rides ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

The Villages on Skidaway Island 10 Meeting St., Savannah, GA, United States

TIRED OF BEING RAINED IN? COME RIDE WITH US (we hope!) Saturday, 20 February, Skidaway Island Ride. 19/24/33 miles. Park in The Village parking lot, across from the BP station. Ride Leader: Deborah Wharff, 410-905-1690, debwharff@verizon.net. 9 am roll time.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 6 March, 9 a.m. Islands Ride 33/38 miles. Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there we ride south to Diamond Causeway, on clearly marked bike lanes. After looping around Whitefield Road, over to Burnside Island, and then onto Ferguson to Jalapeños Restaurant in Sandfly ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Fort McAllister State Park 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday,13 March, 9am, Kilkenny Ride. 28/36. Richmond Hill, GA. Highway 17 south or I-95 S to Richmond Hill exit. East about 5 miles on GA 144 (Ford Avenue), TL on GA 144 spur towards Ft. McAllister State Park, and park just outside the park entrance gate. Ride leader: Kim Turner, kimbooskie@gmail.com ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Coastal Carolina Hospital 1000 Medical Center Drive, Hardeeville, SC, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 10 April, 8:30am, Hospital Ride. Hardeeville, SC. I-95 N to exit 8 in SC, route 278 approximately 1/4 mile, left into hospital parking lot. Out-and-back route with various turn around points depending on your preference. Lunch at the Pink Pig in Hardeeville after the ride, which has outdoor dining. Ride ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 17 April, 8:30am, Rincon Ride. 35/26. Rincon, GA. Meet/park at the Macomber Recreational Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leader: Matt Tozer, 845-596-4662 mctozer@yahoo.com. More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Publix Store Number: 1154 12800 Highway 144, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US!!! Saturday, 24 April, 8:30am, Ride to Fancy Hall. 40/32/22. Richmond Hill, GA. I-95 SB to Highway 144, TL and then about 5 miles to Publix on the right. Ride leader: David Jackson, 301-237-1892 davidcjackson1219@yahoo.com. Check website for weather related cancellation and cue sheets.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

Saturday, 1 May, 8:30am, Islands Ride. (Map link)  23/34 miles.  Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston.  From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane.  Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest.  Continue to Isle of ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club

Hendrix Park 3960 Wilma Edwards Road, Ellabell, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 5 June, 8:30am, Ellabell Ride. 39/32/25/17. Ellabell, GA. I-16 W to exit 143, TL on Highway 280 for 2.2 miles, then TR on Wilma Edwards Road for 1.5 miles to Hendrix Park on the left. Park in the center lot next to the gymnasium. Note: Bridge replacement is underway on ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride and Lunch

Lake Mayer Community Park 1850 E Montgomery Cross Rd, Savannah, GA, United States

Members join us for our picnic, club meeting and RIDES!!!! Saturday, 12 June, 8:30am for the longer rides,10am for the social ride. Meeting after everybody is done riding. There will be three classes of riders on Saturday: a slow Social group (speed determined by slowest rider); a medium B group (14-16 MPH) and a faster ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

Saturday, 19 June, 8:30am Rincon Ride. 35/26. Rincon, GA. (Map link) Meet/park at Macomber Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leader: TBD, possibly Matt Tozer, 845-596-4662, mctozer@yahoo.com More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

McDonalds in Riceboro 35 Montague St., Riceboro, GA, United States

Saturday, 10 July, 8:30am, Harris Neck Ride. 19/28/38 miles. Journey south on I-95 to exit 67, then turn left on Highway 17/25 and pull into the McDonald’s and park in the unimproved parking lot behind the restaurant. Ride Leader: David Jackson, 301-237-1892, davidcjackson@yahoo.com

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Coastal Carolina Hospital 1000 Medical Center Drive, Hardeeville, SC, United States

Come ride with us! Saturday, 17 July, 8:30am, Hospital Ride, Hardeeville, SC. 18/32/42 miles. I-95 North to exit 8, SC route 278 east approximately 1/4 mile, Park in back of the hospital parking lot. Lunch at the Pink Pig in Hardeeville following the ride. Ride leader: John Arney, 912-660-4088, johnaarney@gmail.com. Please email John if you ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Smoking Pig 13711 E Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 24 July, 8:30am, Liberty Trail Ride. 31/26/18. Midway, GA. Meet at Smokin’ Pig BBQ, 13711 Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA. I-95 SB to exit 76, then TR to Smokin’ Pig parking lot. For cue sheets and weather updates, please see our website at cbtc.org.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 21 August, 8:30am, Rincon Ride. 35/26. Rincon, GA. Meet/park at Macomber Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leaders: David Jackson, 301-237-1882, davidjackson1219@yahoo.com. Please contact David if you wnat to join us!!!

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, Sept. 18, 8:30 a.m. Islands Ride. 23/34 miles. Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane. Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest. ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Smoking Pig 13711 E Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 25 September, 8:30am, Liberty Trail Ride. 31/26/18. Midway, GA. Meet at Smokin’ Pig BBQ, 13711 Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA. I-95 SB to exit 76, then TR to Smokin’ Pig parking lot. Rode leader: Christine Drillsam, 414-531-1093, Christine.drillsam@fisglobal.com

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Kroger At Berwick 5720 Ogeechee Road, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 2 October, 8:30am, Right Turn Clyde Ride, 29/34 miles. Meet/park at the Kroger parking lot, 5720 Ogeechee Road, Savannah, GA. Post-ride lunch at El Mariachi Restaurant. Ride Leader: Kim Turner, 214-725-2490, kimbooskie@gmail.com. Cue sheets and inclement weather/cancellation information is on our website at cbtc.org.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

55 Millstone Landing Road 55 Millstone Landing Road, Hardeeville, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 9 October, 8:30am Hardeeville ride. 21/34/42 miles. Take I-95 North to exit 5, TL on Whyte Hardee Boulevard, then TL on Church Road, then TL on Purrysburgh Road then TR to park at 55 Millstone Landing Road. Ride is out-and-back on well paved and lightly traveled back country roads. Ride ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Fort McAllister State Park 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 30 October, 8:30am, Kilkenny Ride. 26/25. Richmond Hill, GA. Highway 17 south or I-95 S to Richmond Hill exit. East about 5 miles on GA 144 (Ford Avenue), TL on GA 144 spur towards Ft. McAllister State Park, and park just outside the park entrance gate. Post-ride lunch at Fish ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

AL, Germany

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 20 November, 9:00am. Hardeeville ride. Take I-95 North to exit 5, TL on Whyte Hardee Boulevard, then TL on Church Road, then TL on Purrysburgh Road park then TR to park at 55 Millstone Landing Road. Ride is out-and-back on well paved and lightly traveled back country roads. Ride leader: ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Hendrix Park 3960 Wilma Edwards Road, Ellabell, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 27 November, 9:00am, Ellabell Ride. 26/35. Ellabell, GA. I-16 W to exit 143, TL on Highway 280 for 2.2 miles, then TR on Wilma Edwards Road for 1.5 miles to Hendrix Park on the left. Park in the center lot next to the gymnasium. Actual ride distance(s) to be determined ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US Saturday, 18 December, 9:00am, Islands Ride. 23/34 miles. Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane. Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest. Continue ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 8 January, 9:00am Rincon Ride. 26/35. Rincon, GA. Meet/park at Macomber Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leader: Kim Turner, 214-725-2490; kimbooskie@gmail.com. MORE INFORMATION 

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

The Villages on Skidaway Island 10 Meeting St., Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, January 15. 9:00am, Skidaway Island Ride. 18/23/34 miles. Park in The Village parking lot, across from the BP station. Lunch following the ride, we gather for lunch at Your Pie in Sandfly. Ride Leader: Deb Wharff, 410-905-1690, deborahwharff@icloud.com. MORE INFORMATION

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Fort McAllister State Park 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 22 January, 9:00am, Kilkenny Ride. 26/35. Richmond Hill, GA. Highway 17 south or I-95 S to Richmond Hill exit. East about 5 miles on GA 144 (Ford Avenue), TL on GA 144 spur towards Ft. McAllister State Park, and park just outside the park entrance gate. Post-ride lunch at Fish ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US Saturday, 12 February, 9:00am, Islands Ride, Meet/park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane. Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest. Continue to Isle of Hope before ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Millstone Landing 55 Millstone Landing Road, Hardeeville, SC, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 19 February, 9:00am, Hardeeville Ride. 21/34/42. Meet/park at Millstone Landings, 55 Millstone Landing Road, Hardeeville, SC. Out-and-back routes along rural South Carolina roads with little to no traffic. Ride leader: David Jackson, 301-237-1892, davidcjackson1219@yahoo.com

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club- Weekly Club Ride

Palmetto Rural Telephone Company Palmetto Rural Telephone Company • 270 Robertson Blvd Walterboro, SC 29488, Walterboro, SC, United States

Our club ride this week is in Walterboro, South Carolina. JOIN us! Saturday, 26 March, 8:30am, Tour de Low Country. 31 & 62 mile options. There is a $40 registration fee to participate in the Tour de Low Country: https://www.active.com/walterboro-sc/cycling/races/tour-de-lowcountry-march-26-2022 I-95 N to exit 53 in Walterboro, SC. Proceed approximately 2.5 miles to 292 Robertson ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

5730 Ogeechee Rd Ste 180, Savannah, GA 31405 5730 Ogeechee Rd Ste 180, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, April 2, 8:30am. 24 and 34 miles options. Meet/park in the parking lot of the Berwick Shopping Center, adjacent to El Mariachi restaurant. Normally two groups, with the slower group riding in the Southbridge neighborhood. Post-ride lunch at the aforementioned El Mariachi restaurant. Ride Leader: Deb Wharff, 410-908-1680, deborahwharff@r02581icloud-com. Check ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US!!! Saturday, 9 April, 8:30am, Islands Ride. 24 or 34 miles. Meet/park near the corner of Bull and Gaston Streets (Forsyth Park). Roll out of town on clearly marked bike lanes, then on to Diamond Causeway with similarly marked bike lanes. Journey first to Burnside Island, then across Ferguson to a rest ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club

AL, Germany

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 20 August, 8:30am, Ride to Fancy Hall. 40/32/22. Richmond Hill, GA. I-95 SB to Highway 144, TL and then about 5 miles to Publix on the right. Ride leader: Kim Turner, 214-725-2490, kimbooskie@gmail.com. In the event of inclement weather, check back here Saturday morning. Also, cue sheets can be found ... Read more