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Bike Walk Savannah

  1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. Bike Walk Savannah
Events from this organizer

Fix Your Own Bike Night at Bike Walk Savannah

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Bike repair tools can take up a lot of space — thankfully we've got the room! Join Bike Walk Savannah for Fix Your Own Bike Night on Wednesday, Feb. 26 from 6-8 p.m. Whether you know how to fix it or need a guide, our mechanics will be on hand to assist with your repairs. ... Read more


Get Your Bike Ready for St. Patrick’s Day in Savannah: Free Safety Checks!

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Planning to ride your bike to the St. Patrick’s Day festivities in Savannah? Good idea! Has it been gathering dust in your garage or storage room over the winter? Bike Walk Savannah's New Standard Cycles crew will offer free safety inspections and minor services such as tire inflation, brake adjustment and chain lubrication. Bring your ... Read more


Bike Walk Savannah Weekly Virtual Group Ride

Every Friday Bike Walk Savannah will release a new virtual bike ride route for you to check out, ranging from 3-20 miles. They'll be doing the ride on Friday morning (weather permitting), and they encourage you to fit that week's ride into your schedule. More information.


Bike Walk Savannah Wednesday Walks

Staying physically active is important for both physical AND mental health, and is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. That's why Bike Walk Savannah is encouraging everyone to get out for a walk around their neighborhood or yard! Tune in on Wednesday for a prompt of something to share from your adventure, and take photos ... Read more

Chit Chat Civics with Caila Brown

Chit Chat Civics is a series of short conversations with folks in Savanah who spend their time working to make our communities better. Open ended by design these virtual chats endeavor to discuss a variety of local challenges and opportunities. Caila Brown is the Executive Director of Bike Walk Savannah - an advocacy organization whose ... Read more

Savannah Cyclofemme Ride

Ride together (virtually) with Bike Walk Savannah this weekend for the Eighth Annual Savannah CycloFemme, sponsored by the Law Office of Joseph J. Steffen, Jr.  The ride route will be posted on Friday at 10 a.m., but you can join in at any point! Post photos and videos from your ride on social media and ... Read more

Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver Webinar

On Thursday, May 21, Bike Walk Savannah will host a Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver webinar. This webinar will delve into the laws pertaining to people biking and walking and how the design of our streets makes them safer for all users. Participants who take a short quiz at the end of the webinar will ... Read more

Eighth Annual Matt’s Moon River Cruise

The Eighth Annual Matt’s Moon River Cruise, presented by the Law Office of Joseph J. Steffen, will be held virtually May 21-26 — from wherever you are. The event is named in memory of Matt Kohler, who was hit from behind by a driver on July 26, 2012 while riding his bike on U.S. Highway ... Read more

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Savannah's level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes. This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. ... Read more



Wednesday Walks

Staying physically active is important for both physical AND mental health, and is especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic. That's why we're encouraging everyone to get out for a walk around their neighborhood or yard! Tune in on Wednesday for a prompt of something to share from your adventure, and take photos to share your ... Read more


Virtual Group Ride

Every other week Bike Walk Savannah will be releasing a new virtual bike ride route for you to check out, ranging from 3-20 miles. They'll be doing the ride on Friday morning (weather and schedule permitting), and encourage you to fit that week's ride into your schedule. If you go on the ride, share your ... Read more

Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver Webinar

On Thursday, July 16, Bike Walk Savannah will host a Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver webinar. This webinar will delve into the laws pertaining to people biking and walking and how the design of our streets makes them safer for all users. Participants who take a short quiz at the end of the webinar will ... Read more

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Savannah's level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes. This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. ... Read more

12th Annual Moonlight Garden Rides

MGR 2020 will have a bit of a different feel, but all the same fun! This year participants from all over will pledge to bike, walk, run or roll a certain amount of miles from October 1 to October 31. At the same time, participants will set personal and team fundraising goals to support Bike ... Read more

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Savannah’s level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes. This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. ... Read more

Virtual Literary Tour of Savannah

Join Bike Walk Savannah and  Live Oak Public Libraries for a virtual tour of some of Downtown Savannah's best Literary Locations! This Friday field trip will include stops featuring Savannah locations like the Carnegie Library, Flannery O'Connor Childhood Home, and Mercer House. Follow along on Facebook and Instagram stories for facts about each stop, as ... Read more


Savannah Literary Scavenger Hunt

AL, Germany

The weather is still beautiful, and let's get movin' around Savannah! Bike Walk Savannah and  Live Oak Public Libraries present the Literary Scavenger Hunt around Savannah, taking place Nov. 11, Nov. 18 and Nov. 25. On Monday, Nov. 10, BWS will post a list of items from our scavenger hunt — complete a row, column ... Read more

Savannah Cranksgiving

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

The eighth annual Savannah Cranksgiving Ride is Saturday, Nov. 14 starting at 1 p.m. Cranksgiving is half bike ride, half food drive and a 100 percent fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon helping others.   Bike Walk Savannah (and you!) will be helping feed hungry people at Emmaus House. Founded in 1982 by a group of ... Read more


Bike Walk Savannah Holiday Bike Drive for Kids!

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Help make the holidays a little brighter for kids in our community. Donate your gently used kids or small adult bikes to  Bike Walk Savannah, and our volunteers will be able to bring them back to life and give them a new home with the help of  Blessings In A Bookbag, Inc. Community members are ... Read more

Mountainfilm on Tour Savannah Online Auction Benefiting Bike Walk Savannah

Virtual Event

This year the traditional raffle, co-hosted by  Bike Walk Savannah, is a virtual auction. All proceeds from the auction will benefit our local non-profits,  Bike Walk Savannah and Mountainfilm on Tour - Savannah. Bids will help support local outreach programs, including Movies that Matter, an educational program that screens free documentary films for public school ... Read more


Wednesday Walks with Bike Walk Savannah

Virtual Event

Staying physically active is important for both physical AND mental health. That's Bike Walk Savanna is encouraging everyone to get out for a walk around their neighborhood or yard! Tune in on Wednesday for a prompt of something to share from your adventure or a new place to explore, and take photos to share your ... Read more


Bike Walk Savannah Virtual Ride

Virtual Event

Each month Bike Walk Savannah will be releasing a new virtual bike ride route for you to check out, ranging from 3-20 miles on Friday mornings (weather and schedule permitting). If you go on the ride, share your pictures on social media and tag Bike Walk Savannah and #BikeWalkSAV, and it’ll be like we were ... Read more

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Virtual Event

Savannah's level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes. This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. ... Read more

Bike Walk Savannah Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver Webinar

Virtual Event

This webinar will delve into the laws pertaining to people biking and walking and how the design of our streets makes them safer for all users. Participants who take a short quiz at the end of the webinar will receive a certificate of participation. The webinar will be geared towards biking, walking or driving in ... Read more

Savannah Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Bicycle and pedestrian counts help Bike Walk Savannah, the City of Savannah, Chatham County, and the Coastal Region Metropolitan Planning Organization keep track of the ways people are moving around our region and assist in planning efforts for safer places for people to bike and walk. More information.

GOHS Capital to Coast 2021: Savannah

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety has organized Capital to Coast, a five day series of events to promote bike safety in our state. The inaugural campaign will include a five-city educational tour, with stops in Atlanta (May 3), Athens (May 4), Macon (May 5), Savannah (May 6), and Brunswick (May 7). Join the Governor's ... Read more

Savannah Cyclofemme Ride

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Ride together with Bike Walk Savannah this weekend for the Ninth Annual Savannah CycloFemme. The ride will be approximately 6 miles and be great for beginners, commuters, racers and everyone in between!  More information.

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Virtual Event

Savannah's level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes. This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. ... Read more

Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver Webinar

Virtual Event

This webinar will delve into the laws pertaining to people biking and walking and how the design of our streets makes them safer for all users. Participants who take a short quiz at the end of the webinar will receive a certificate of participation. The webinar will be geared towards biking, walking or driving in ... Read more

Bike to Work Day Savannah

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Friday, May 21 is National Bike to Work Day! To celebrate the occasion in Savannah we are organizing a free bicycle commuting breakfast. We’ll be offering healthy snacks and coffee from The Sentient Bean to bicycle commuters at the corner of Lincoln and Henry streets from 7:30-9:30 a.m. Please stop by on your way to ... Read more

Sixth Annual Savannah Seersucker Ride

Tiedeman Park GA, United States

Show off your Southern summer clothing with a casual bike ride around Ardsley Park, Chatham Crescent, and other nearby neighborhoods. We'll meet in Tiedeman Park (Across the Street from Savannah Arts Academy) at 9:30 a.m. for free iced coffee, breakfast pastries and fresh fruit, then leave at 10 a.m. to cruise shady streets. More information.

Worldwide Roll Out Day: Savannah

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

The 2nd Annual Worldwide Roll Out Day is July 11. Join us in Savannah, GA to celebrate ALL WHEELS rolling together all over the world! Co-hosted by us and Bike Walk Savannah and CIB Savannah. Meet at the Forsyth Park fountain.

Bike Walk Savannah Used Bicycle Sale

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Browse used bikes refurbished by the New Standard Cycles crew for an affordable price. Looking to build up your perfect bike? Bike Walk Savannah may have perfect part to complete that build that's been sitting in your garage. All proceeds from the sale go to the New Standard Cycles program, which works with service agencies ... Read more

Bicycle and Pedestrian Friendly Driver Webinar

Virtual Event

This webinar will delve into the laws pertaining to people biking and walking and how the design of our streets makes them safer for all users. Participants who take a short quiz at the end of the webinar will receive a certificate of participation. Registration is free, but required. Donations to Bike Walk Savannah are ... Read more

Savannah City Cycling Webinar

Virtual Event

Savannah’s level topography, dense urban form, and warm weather make it a great place to get around by bike. However, Savannah also has a high rate of traffic crashes involving people on bikes. This free one hour webinar will equip you to avoid the most common hazards and become more confident riding in the city. ... Read more

Bike Walk Savannah Cycle Social: Truman Linear Park Trail

Lake Mayer Community Park 1850 E Montgomery Cross Rd, Savannah, GA, United States

Cycle social is back! Join Bike Walk Savannah each month for a casual, family-friendly bike ride at a different spot in Savannah or Chatham County. This month we’ll meet at 6 p.m. at Lake Mayer in front of the Park Administrative Office and ride the Truman Linear Park Trail, ending with a conversation about Tide ... Read more

Savannah Cranksgiving Ride

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Bike Walk Savannah's ninth annual Savannah Cranksgiving Ride is Saturday, Nov. 20. starting at 1 p.m. Cranksgiving is half bike ride, half food drive and a 100 percent fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon helping others. Bike Walk Savannah (and you!) will be helping feed hungry people at Emmaus House. Founded in 1982 by a group ... Read more

Smart Cycling Class in Brunswick

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

Do you know all you need to know to safely ride a bike with traffic? Do you feel you know enough to teach your children how to ride cautiously and conspicuously while on their own? When you drive your car, are you confident on how to share the road with people on bikes? The Smart ... Read more

11th Annual Savannah Cranksgiving Ride

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Our 11th annual Savannah Cranksgiving Ride is Saturday, Nov. 18 starting at 1 p.m. Cranksgiving is half bike ride, half food drive and a 100 percent fun way to spend a Saturday afternoon helping others. Bike Walk Savannah (and you!) will be helping feed hungry people at Emmaus House. Founded in 1982 by a group ... Read more


McQueen's Island Trail US 80, Tybee Island, United States

Let’s head out for a walk! Weather permitting participants will meet at McQueen’s Island Trail at the Fort Pulaski entrance for a casually paced walk and talk. The walk is approximately 2 miles. Please wear comfortable clothes and shoes you can walk in. Well behaved, leashed dogs encouraged!


Savannah Cyclofemme Ride

Bike Walk Savannah HQ 1301 Lincoln St., Savannah, GA, United States

Ride together with Bike Walk Savannah this weekend for the 12th Annual Savannah CycloFemme. The ride will be approximately 5 miles and be great for beginners, commuters, racers and everyone in between! We’ll depart from Bike Walk Savannah HQ at 12 p.m. on Sunday, May 12. The ride is free, but we encourage participants to ... Read more

Cycle Social: Downtown

The Sentient Bean 13 E Park Ave, Savannah, GA, United States

Join us each month for a casual, family-friendly bike ride at a different spot in Savannah or Chatham County. This month we’ll meet at 6 p.m. at the Sentient Bean for a ride around downtown Savannah. Lights and helmets required. Please bring your bike and water. Ride distance is approximately 5.5 miles. The ride is ... Read more