New GDOT Partnerships with PEDS and Georgia Bikes to Improve Safety in Georgia

A very happy announcement from GDOT:

Thomaston, GA – The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is pleased to announce partnerships with Pedestrians Educating Drivers on Safety (PEDS) and Georgia Bikes. The partnerships aim to increase the safety of people who walk and ride bicycles in Georgia. GDOT recently finalized contracts with the organizations; both have been actively engaged in developing the state’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) and will now have the opportunity to implement several of the strategies included in the SHSP.

Over three years, a total of $613,710.00—90% federal and 10% state funding—will be invested to promote programs that align with the SHSP and make it safer for Georgians to walk and ride bikes.

The contracts support numerous programs including:

·        Providing training to transportation professionals and law enforcement officials

·        Developing updated state Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Action plans

·        Inventorying crosswalks that are located at intersections without traffic signals

·        Assessing crossing treatments at bus stop locations on corridors with a history of collisions

“PEDS is thrilled to be working with the Georgia Department of Transportation to spread the knowledge and commitment needed to increase safety for everyone who walks in Georgia,” said Sally Flocks, President & CEO of PEDS. “Together, we will save lives.” Brent Buice, Executive Director of Georgia Bikes, agrees: “We are thrilled to enter into this partnership. This new collaboration will help educate motorists and bicyclists on safe usage of the public roadways and will foster better road designs that safely accommodate all modes of transportation.”

The PEDS website: and Georgia Bikes website:, provide contact information and valuable resources. PEDS will host the first annual Georgia Walks Summit on June 17th in Macon and Georgia Bikes will host its 6th annual summit this fall. Both summits have low registration fees and the public is welcome to participate. We encourage people who support increasing safety for people who walk and bike in Georgia to attend.

About the GDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program
GDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program was formally established in 1991 with the passage of the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act. The act called for state bicycle and pedestrian coordinators and incorporates a broad range of programs and initiatives throughout the state. These include technical assistance, engineering and planning guidance, public information, and educational materials and programs for bicyclists, walkers, and visitors in Georgia. More information can be found at:

For additional local information about the partnerships, please contact State Bicycle and Pedestrian Engineer, Katelyn DiGioia at 404.635.2834.