Message of support from Lt. Gov. Casey Gagle

We received the encouraging and supportive message below from Lt. Governor Casey Cagle:


Just a few weeks ago, I was honored to join you for the Georgia Municipal Association’s Georgia Rides to the Capitol bike ride. As an avid cyclist myself, I was excited to be with you to discuss critical issues relating to bike safety in Georgia.

While with you that morning, I committed to working to pass important cycling safety legislation. On the last day of the legislative session I saw an opportunity to amend HB 101 to include the “Three Foot Passing” language. I had the amendment drawn up and consulted with the committee chairman and bill author.  I’m proud to report that, thanks in part to your hard work, we were able to pass House Bill 101 on the final day of this
legislative session.

This legislation updates some of Georgia’s cycling laws and includes the critically important three-foot minimum passing distance requirement.  Under this new law, both cyclists and motorists will all be able to operate on Georgia’s roads more safely.

The last minute passage of this bill is yet another example of why it is so important that Georgia citizens are involved in the legislative process. I look forward to continuing to work with you to strengthen Georgia’s bike safety laws and on other issues of importance to you.

If my office can ever be helpful, I hope you’ll let us know.

Look forward to seeing you on the roads,

Casey Cagle

Lieutenant Governor