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BikeAthens Joy Ride

BikeAthens 1075 W Broad St, Athens, GA, United States

Join us as we wander through town on a February evening. We will roll out at 6 p.m. Joy Rides are casual, last about 90 minutes, and finish with a social gathering downtown. We ride on the last Friday of the month, starting at our headquarters at 1075 West Broad Street. We end the ride ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Guyton City Hall 310 Central Blvd, Guyton, GA, United States

SATURDAY CBTC RIDE! COME JOIN US! Roll time 9 am. Be there early to get ready. Lunch afterwards nearby. 29 February, Guyton Ride. 25/38 miles. Meet/park at the parking lot by the caboose/trailhead, across the Georgia Highway 17 from Guyton City Hall, 310 Georgia Highway 17. Ride leader: Mike Griffith, 614-216-3462, griffohio@gmail.com.

Atlanta Cycling Festival — Virtual Festival

While the 2020 Atlanta Cycling Festival will be held this fall, ACF  thought we could all use a little fun right now! So they've decided to hold their first ever Virtual Festival! From Saturday, May 9-15,  ACF will release a few routes each day that we encourage you to ride solo, socially - distanced, and ... Read more

Virtual Macon Bike Party

It's all about social distancing and coping with staying at home. Take a nice leisurely bike ride and post a video of your personal bike party in this facebook event. In your video, tell us why biking is important to you, your family, your kids, or your community. Ride fun, safe, and solo (or with ... Read more


Virtual Group Ride

Every other week Bike Walk Savannah will be releasing a new virtual bike ride route for you to check out, ranging from 3-20 miles. They'll be doing the ride on Friday morning (weather and schedule permitting), and encourage you to fit that week's ride into your schedule. If you go on the ride, share your ... Read more


Zen Ride!

Jekyll Brewing 2855 Marconi Dr, Alpharetta, GA, United States

Due to coronavirus pandemic we are highly recommending the "Do It Yourzelf Zen Ride" - first and third Fridays (starting June 5). Start on Greenway (bike, run, walk, skate) from Marconi Drive trailhead, and then end with adult beverages at Jekyll Brewing Taproom (right off the end of the Greenway). More information.

Bike Party: Superhero Ride

Macon Library Ballroom 652 Mulberry St, Macon, GA, United States

Bike Party returns this fall with a new meet up location! Come join Bike Walk Macon at their new meet-up location at the Library Ballroom parking lot for our second Fall slow roll. Let's get back in action! Macon Bike Party is a free, slow-paced community bicycle ride for people of all ages and skill ... Read more


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Saturday Morning Ride

AZ, India

Most rides meet up on Saturday mornings at 8:45 a.m. for a 9 a.m. roll-out, and during the warmer months, we meet around 8:15 a.m.  and roll-out at 8:30 a.m. After the ride we join (at the proper social distance) for an outdoor picnic.  Call or email if you have a question about the rides ... Read more


Bike Roswell Saturday Morning Ride

City of Roswell Area Park 10495 Woodstock Road, Roswell, GA, United States

The Start/Finish location is the same as the Bike Roswell Thursday Evening Ride in the parking lot between Roswell North Elementary School and Roswell Area Park. This is a no-drop ride. Depending on the skill of the riders, we may have the following groups: A Group: 18+ mph average – 25 miles B Group: 15-17 ... Read more

Southside Cycling Club November Challenge

Coweta County GA, United States

Complete a ride out of each of our three local bike shops - Trek Newnan, Trek PTC, and Senoia between Nov. 2-30 and be entered into a raffle to win a $100 gift card from the shop of your choice.  Four winners will be chosen. More information.

Macon Bike Party: Turkey Trail

Macon Library Ballroom 652 Mulberry St, Macon, GA, United States

Bike Party returns Thursday, Nov. 12 with a new meet up location! Join Bike Walk Macon at the Library Ballroom parking lot for our third Fall slow roll. This month's theme is "Turkey Trail." Get in the spirit of Thanksgiving and gobble up this ride with us! Macon Bike Party is a free, slow-paced community ... Read more


Covington Conyers Cycling Club 2021 Winter Base Ride Series

Conducted from January through March each year, this ride series is the perfect opportunity for new riders wishing to participate in group rides to learn group ride skills and safe road riding habits. Veteran C4 riders hone their own skills while helping new riders. More information.

SORBA-Athens Monthly Group Ride

Walker Park 200 Trail Creek St, Athens, GA, United States

Join SORBA Athens for the Monthly Group Ride at Walker Park. This is a no drop family friendly group ride on trail.  Please dress for the weather and bring your bike in good condition, water, a snack, and a helmet. More information.


Big Creek Night Ride

Big Creek Park 1600 Old Alabama Road, Roswell, GA, United States

Join the Roswell/Alpharetta Mountain Biking Organization for nighttime mountain bike ride in Roswell's Big Creek Park. This is a Roswell Parks & Rec event and you must be registered by noon the day of the ride to participate. More information.


Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride  will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way. All participants must wear helmets and masks. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.

Downtown Brunswick Mural Bicycle Ride

Mary Ross Waterfront Park 1530 Newcastle St, Brunswick, GA, United States

The third tour of the fascinating art work in downtown Brunswick Georgia. Meet at the Farmers market at Mary Ross Waterfront Park at 1:30 p.m. The ride will last approximately two hours and a little over 4 miles of stop and go through alleys and brick pavers. More information.

SORBA-Athens February Group Ride

Walker Park 200 Trail Creek St, Athens, GA, United States

Hey friends, join SORBA Athens for the February no drop group ride. Come explore trails, meet new friends and catch up on all the great stuff SORBA-Athens is up to. More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 6 March, 9 a.m. Islands Ride 33/38 miles. Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there we ride south to Diamond Causeway, on clearly marked bike lanes. After looping around Whitefield Road, over to Burnside Island, and then onto Ferguson to Jalapeños Restaurant in Sandfly ... Read more

Macon Bike Party: Spring Fling in Shirley Hills

1496 Waverland Drive 1496 Waverland Drive, Macon, GA, United States

Bike Party returns Thursday, March 11 at 6 p.m. with a Spring Fling-themed ride in the Shirley Hills neighborhood led by Visit Macon's Steven Fulbright. Macon Bike Party is a free, slow-paced community bicycle ride for people of all ages and skill levels. Come enjoy our great city and its neighborhoods from a unique perspective. ... Read more

18th Annual Biking Bleckley

Cochran Chamber of Commerce 102 N Second St, Cochran, GA, United States

Ride the beautiful winding roads of Cochran and Bleckley County as the Cochran-Bleckley Chamber kicks off one of the first events of the biking season. With four (4) routes to choose from, there is something for everyone. Plus, there will be t-shirts, fun rest stops, lunch, snacks, drinks, goodie bags, SAG wagon and entertainment available ... Read more


Dunwoody Sunday Cycle

Village Burger Dunwoody 1426 Village Parkway, Dunwoody, GA, United States

Join your friends for a leisurely Sunday afternoon ride through Dunwoody. Bike Walk Dunwoody hosts these monthly rides on the third Sunday of every month (March to November) as a chance to meet other bicyclists and to help develop comfort with biking on city streets. More information.

Sumter Cycling First Saturday Ride

Easterlin's Country Store 107 E. Church St., Andersonville, GA, United States

Sumter Cycling will host its monthly First Saturday Ride on April 3, meeting in Andersonville at Easterlin's Country Store at 10:30 am. Take your choice of a 13 mile route or a 23 mile route. After the ride, enjoy a tasty barbecue sandwich lunch from Easterlin's Country Store, courtesy of Sumter Cycling. Safety protocols recommended by USA Cycling will be used.  You should ... Read more


Bike Alpharetta Fun Greenway “Zen” Ride

Jekyll Brewing 2855 Marconi Dr, Alpharetta, GA, United States

Do It Your ZEN Self Rides are an informal ride at your own pace on the Alpharetta Greenway. While not an organized group ride, start at Jekyll Brewing Taproom (on Marconi Drive, park on side of building) and look for others doing a ZEN ride, walk or run, then gather back at the brewery. Meets ... Read more

Macon Bike Party: Ocmulgee Exploration

Mill Hill Community Arts Center 213 Clinton Street, Macon, GA, United States

Macon Bike Party is a FREE, slow-paced community bicycle ride for people of all ages and skills levels. Come enjoy our great city and its neighborhoods from a unique perspective. Join Bike Walk Macon Thursday, April 8 for Macon Bike Party's Ocmulgee Exploration! Revisit the new Walnut Creek Connector Trail and celebrate the newest section ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 17 April, 8:30am, Rincon Ride. 35/26. Rincon, GA. Meet/park at the Macomber Recreational Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leader: Matt Tozer, 845-596-4662 mctozer@yahoo.com. More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Publix Store Number: 1154 12800 Highway 144, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US!!! Saturday, 24 April, 8:30am, Ride to Fancy Hall. 40/32/22. Richmond Hill, GA. I-95 SB to Highway 144, TL and then about 5 miles to Publix on the right. Ride leader: David Jackson, 301-237-1892 davidcjackson1219@yahoo.com. Check website for weather related cancellation and cue sheets.


Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride  will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way. All participants must wear helmets and masks. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.

Downtown Brunswick Mural Ride

Mary Ross Waterfront Park 1530 Newcastle St, Brunswick, GA, United States

A slow paced, stop and go, block to block bicycle ride to celebrate the murals painted downtown. Great for novice and beginners. More information.


Crank to Coffee Macon

Bike Tech Macon 3003 Vineville Ave, Macon, GA, United States

Join the Bike Tech family each Saturday morning (weather dependent) for a fun ride to Z Beans Coffee in Mercer Village! Crank to Coffee is a casual weekly bicycle ride. All riders and skill levels are welcome! More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

Saturday, 1 May, 8:30am, Islands Ride. (Map link)  23/34 miles.  Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston.  From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane.  Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest.  Continue to Isle of ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

McDonalds in Riceboro 35 Montague St., Riceboro, GA, United States

Saturday, 8 May, 8:30am, Harris Neck Ride. Journey south on I-95 to exit 67, then turn left on Highway 17/25 and pull into the McDonald’s and park in the unimproved parking lot behind the restaurant.  Ride Leader: Marc Lobit, 847-682-2168 mlogit@msn.com

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

The Villages on Skidaway Island 10 Meeting St., Savannah, GA, United States

Saturday, 15 May, 8:30am, Skidaway Island Ride. (Map link) 19/24/33 miles.  Park in The Village parking lot, across from the BP station. Lunch following the ride, we gather for lunch at the Village Pub, which has outdoor seating.  Ride Leader: Kathy Schaefer, 912-661-2884 willy.schaefer@comcast.net

Pedaling for Kids 10th Annual Spring Cycling Challenge

Midland Academy 7373 Psalmond Road, Midland, GA, United States

Three routes to choose from: 25 miles 50 miles 80+ miles All routes will begin and end at Midland Academy located at 7373 Psalmond Rd. in Midland, GA. The course will be well marked, we’ll have plenty of SAG stops along the way, a BBQ lunch and cold beverages for all participants, a DJ for entertainment plus ... Read more

Bike Travel Weekend

AZ, India

Join thousands of people throughout the world and go on a one- or two-night bike adventure during the weekend of June 4 - 6, 2021. More information


Coastal Bicycle Touring Club

Hendrix Park 3960 Wilma Edwards Road, Ellabell, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 5 June, 8:30am, Ellabell Ride. 39/32/25/17. Ellabell, GA. I-16 W to exit 143, TL on Highway 280 for 2.2 miles, then TR on Wilma Edwards Road for 1.5 miles to Hendrix Park on the left. Park in the center lot next to the gymnasium. Note: Bridge replacement is underway on ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride and Lunch

Lake Mayer Community Park 1850 E Montgomery Cross Rd, Savannah, GA, United States

Members join us for our picnic, club meeting and RIDES!!!! Saturday, 12 June, 8:30am for the longer rides,10am for the social ride. Meeting after everybody is done riding. There will be three classes of riders on Saturday: a slow Social group (speed determined by slowest rider); a medium B group (14-16 MPH) and a faster ... Read more

11th Annual Jackson County Brevet

Jefferson High School 575 Washington St., Jefferson, GA, United States

Saturday June 19th: The 11th Annual Jackson County Brevet Charity Bike Ride.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

Saturday, 19 June, 8:30am Rincon Ride. 35/26. Rincon, GA. (Map link) Meet/park at Macomber Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leader: TBD, possibly Matt Tozer, 845-596-4662, mctozer@yahoo.com More information.

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Selden Park 100 Genoa Martin Drive, Brunswick, GA, United States

Please note this month's community bike ride  will leave from Selden Park, where the Juneteenth Festival is being held, instead of Howard Coffin ParkAll participants should wear helmets and masks. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase benefiting the Arbery Family.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

McDonalds in Riceboro 35 Montague St., Riceboro, GA, United States

Saturday, 10 July, 8:30am, Harris Neck Ride. 19/28/38 miles. Journey south on I-95 to exit 67, then turn left on Highway 17/25 and pull into the McDonald’s and park in the unimproved parking lot behind the restaurant. Ride Leader: David Jackson, 301-237-1892, davidcjackson@yahoo.com


RAMBO Dirt & Tacos Tuesdays

Big Creek Park 1600 Old Alabama Road, Roswell, GA, United States

Join The Roswell Alpharetta Mountain Bike Association every other Tuesday for dirt trails plus tacos after. Each ride, they'll follow a different route and pace that is intermediate and above friendly. This is a no-drop, fun-pace ride. More information. 


Decatur Active Living Third Friday Bike Ride

Decatur Active Living 231 Sycamore St., Decatur, GA, United States

Join Decatur Active Living for a 6 mile, social pace ride around Decatur. After the ride we will visit a neighborhood eatery for refreshments and camaraderie. This ride is not suggested for children. Please wear a helmet and have lights on your bike. Meet in front of the Decatur Recreation Center and be ready to ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Coastal Carolina Hospital 1000 Medical Center Drive, Hardeeville, SC, United States

Come ride with us! Saturday, 17 July, 8:30am, Hospital Ride, Hardeeville, SC. 18/32/42 miles. I-95 North to exit 8, SC route 278 east approximately 1/4 mile, Park in back of the hospital parking lot. Lunch at the Pink Pig in Hardeeville following the ride. Ride leader: John Arney, 912-660-4088, johnaarney@gmail.com. Please email John if you ... Read more


TourDeLanta Urban Singletrack Ride

The Whelan 1133 Huff Road NW, Atlanta, GA, United States

This free weekly group ride in Atlanta is held on Thursday nights! Tourdelanta is an active group of Mountain, Hybrid and off-road bicyclists who ride various urban-singletrack loops around Atlanta during the week. More information. 

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride in Brunswick

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride  will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.

Sumter Cycling August First Saturday Ride

218 Mockingbird Drive 218 Mockingbird Drive, Americus, GA, United States

Join Sumter Cycling for a 14-mile or a 24-mile ride! They'll start at 218 Mockingbird Drive in the Hidden Lakes neighborhood, ride toward Plains, then return to enjoy a tasty lunch from 2 Dukes BBQ, courtesy of Sumter Cycling. More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 21 August, 8:30am, Rincon Ride. 35/26. Rincon, GA. Meet/park at Macomber Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leaders: David Jackson, 301-237-1882, davidjackson1219@yahoo.com. Please contact David if you wnat to join us!!!

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride in Brunswick

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.


Athens Orthopedic Twilight

Athens GA, United States

The event includes bike races, rides, running events, concerts, and a festival. More information.

Beautiful Backroads Century 2021

Anheuser-Busch Brewery 100 Busch Drive, Cartersville, GA, United States

The BBC will be celebrating its 21st Annual Bike Ride back at Anheuser-Busch this September. The Beautiful Backroads Century Bike Ride benefits Hickory Log Personal Care Home. Hickory Log is a safe place to call home for men with intellectual and developmental disabilities. More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, Sept. 18, 8:30 a.m. Islands Ride. 23/34 miles. Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane. Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest. ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Smoking Pig 13711 E Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 25 September, 8:30am, Liberty Trail Ride. 31/26/18. Midway, GA. Meet at Smokin’ Pig BBQ, 13711 Oglethorpe Highway, Midway, GA. I-95 SB to exit 76, then TR to Smokin’ Pig parking lot. Rode leader: Christine Drillsam, 414-531-1093, Christine.drillsam@fisglobal.com


Trails & Ales Greenway Bike Ride

Jekyll Brewing 2855 Marconi Dr, Alpharetta, GA, United States

Bring your friends and family to join us for a bike ride on Alpharetta's scenic Big Creek Greenway. Meet at Jekyll Brewing's Marconi Drive location for an out and back ride. Chose your own distance between 1 and 16 miles round trip. More information. 


BikeAthens Joy Ride

BikeAthens 1075 W Broad St, Athens, GA, United States

Joy Rides are casual, 6 to 8 mile rides that last about 90 minutes. The rides start finish with an optional social gathering downtown or at the BikeAthens shop. We ride on the last Friday of the month, starting at 6 p.m. from BikeAthens. More information.

2021 6 Gap

Lumpkin County High School 2001 Indian Drive, Dahlonega, GA, United States

The Six Gap Century’s ultra challenging route takes you up and down six of the steepest climbs in the North Georgia Mountains. Test your stamina with more than 11,200 feet of vertical climbing over the 104 mile course. Elevations for the six gaps in this ride range from 2,949 feet to 3,490 feet. The toughest ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Kroger At Berwick 5720 Ogeechee Road, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 2 October, 8:30am, Right Turn Clyde Ride, 29/34 miles. Meet/park at the Kroger parking lot, 5720 Ogeechee Road, Savannah, GA. Post-ride lunch at El Mariachi Restaurant. Ride Leader: Kim Turner, 214-725-2490, kimbooskie@gmail.com. Cue sheets and inclement weather/cancellation information is on our website at cbtc.org.

10th Annual Firefly Trail Ticket to Ride

The 10th Annual Firefly Trail Ticket to Ride returns Saturday, Oct. 9, at 9 a.m., bringing an estimated 300 cyclists to roads and towns from Athens to Union Point – or Union Point to Athens – for the first time since the pandemic struck. Also for the first time, this year’s ride will highlight completed ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

55 Millstone Landing Road 55 Millstone Landing Road, Hardeeville, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 9 October, 8:30am Hardeeville ride. 21/34/42 miles. Take I-95 North to exit 5, TL on Whyte Hardee Boulevard, then TL on Church Road, then TL on Purrysburgh Road then TR to park at 55 Millstone Landing Road. Ride is out-and-back on well paved and lightly traveled back country roads. Ride ... Read more

Macon Bike Party – Sprits, Spectacles, and Scandals

Bike Walk Macon 830 High St., Macon, GA, United States

Join Bike Walk Macon Thursday, Oct. 14 for Macon Bike Party's, Spirits, Spectacles, and Scandals! Join Visit Macon's, Steven Fulbright as he takes us on a journey through downtown exploring the darker sides of our fair city. Macon Bike Party is a FREE, slow-paced community bicycle ride for people of all ages and skills levels. ... Read more

Decatur Active Living Third Friday Bike Ride

Decatur Active Living 231 Sycamore St., Decatur, GA, United States

Join Decatur Active Living for a 6 mile, social pace ride around Decatur. After the ride we will visit a neighborhood eatery for refreshments and camaraderie. This ride is not suggested for children. Please wear a helmet and have lights on your bike. Meet in front of the Decatur Recreation Center and be ready to ... Read more

Bike Walk Savannah Cycle Social: Truman Linear Park Trail

Lake Mayer Community Park 1850 E Montgomery Cross Rd, Savannah, GA, United States

Cycle social is back! Join Bike Walk Savannah each month for a casual, family-friendly bike ride at a different spot in Savannah or Chatham County. This month we’ll meet at 6 p.m. at Lake Mayer in front of the Park Administrative Office and ride the Truman Linear Park Trail, ending with a conversation about Tide ... Read more

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Geechee Kunda BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 23. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Fort McAllister State Park 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 30 October, 8:30am, Kilkenny Ride. 26/25. Richmond Hill, GA. Highway 17 south or I-95 S to Richmond Hill exit. East about 5 miles on GA 144 (Ford Avenue), TL on GA 144 spur towards Ft. McAllister State Park, and park just outside the park entrance gate. Post-ride lunch at Fish ... Read more

Macon Bike Party – Cranks & Thanks with Bike Tech

Bike Tech Macon 3003 Vineville Ave, Macon, GA, United States

Join us Thursday, November 11th for Macon Bike Party's, Cranks & Thanks with Bike Tech! In the spirit of Thanksgiving, Bike Tech is asking participants to bring a basic grocery item to donate. Bike Tech will then take us on an adventure that we will be sure to be thankful for. More information. 

25th Anniversary Cruisin’ in the Country Bicycle Ride

Cruisin' Headquarters, Evans County Public Fishing Area Event Center 4757 Area Line Road, Claxton, GA, United States

Come ride with us and celebrate 25 years of Cruisin' fun! The 25th Annual Cruisin' in the Country Bicycle Ride is set for Saturday, November 13th, 2021. Cruisin' headquarters has moved to the new Event Center at the Evans County Public Fishing Area, 4757 Area Line Road, Claxton, GA 30417. All routes begin and end ... Read more

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 20. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.


Dirty Sheets Gravel Night Ride

New Hope United Methodist 7875 Atlanta Newnan Road, Palmentto, GA, United States

For five years running  MTB Atlanta rides the Dirty Sheets at Night when the Winter comes and the days grow short! They ride the classic Dirty Sheets route from New Hope Church on Tuesday nights in the City of Chattahoochee Hills. MORE INFORMATION

BikeAthens Joy Ride

BikeAthens 1075 W Broad St, Athens, GA, United States

Joy Rides are casual, 6 to 8 mile rides that last about 90 minutes. They finish with an optional social gathering downtown or at our shop. Joy Rides happen on the last Friday of the month, starting at 6 p.m. at 1075 West Broad Street in Athens. MORE INFORMATION

Brown’s Mill MTB Social

Brown's Mill Battlefield Park 155 Millard Farmer Road, Newnan, GA, United States

Join Senoia Bicycle, Bike Coweta, MTB Atlanta and The Mad Mexican for a social night ride at Brown's Mill. Everyone welcome ... multiple groups. Make sure you have two lights and your appetite! More Information

Macon Bike Party – Sleigh Bell Ringing Ride

Bike Walk Macon 830 High St., Macon, GA, United States

Ho, Ho, Ho! Join us Thursday, December 10th for Macon Bike Party's, Sleigh Bell Ringing Ride! Grab your sleigh bells and your ugly sweater and let's explore downtown Macon's famous holiday lights. We will make a few stops along the way to enjoy the holiday cheer and sweet treats. More information.

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US Saturday, 18 December, 9:00am, Islands Ride. 23/34 miles. Start at Forsyth Park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane. Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest. Continue ... Read more


Dirty Sheets Gravel Night Ride

New Hope United Methodist 7875 Atlanta Newnan Road, Palmentto, GA, United States

For five years running  MTB Atlanta rides the Dirty Sheets at Night when the Winter comes and the days grow short! They ride the classic Dirty Sheets route from New Hope Church on Tuesday nights in the City of Chattahoochee Hills. Be ready to ride at 6:30 PM and expect a 10-12 mph average over ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Macomber Recreational Building 1103 Lexington Ave., Rincon, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 8 January, 9:00am Rincon Ride. 26/35. Rincon, GA. Meet/park at Macomber Park, 1103 Lexington Avenue, Rincon, GA. Ride Leader: Kim Turner, 214-725-2490; kimbooskie@gmail.com. MORE INFORMATION 

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

The Villages on Skidaway Island 10 Meeting St., Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, January 15. 9:00am, Skidaway Island Ride. 18/23/34 miles. Park in The Village parking lot, across from the BP station. Lunch following the ride, we gather for lunch at Your Pie in Sandfly. Ride Leader: Deb Wharff, 410-905-1690, deborahwharff@icloud.com. MORE INFORMATION

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Fort McAllister State Park 3894 Fort McAllister Road, Richmond Hill, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 22 January, 9:00am, Kilkenny Ride. 26/35. Richmond Hill, GA. Highway 17 south or I-95 S to Richmond Hill exit. East about 5 miles on GA 144 (Ford Avenue), TL on GA 144 spur towards Ft. McAllister State Park, and park just outside the park entrance gate. Post-ride lunch at Fish ... Read more

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way in Brunswick at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 22. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family. MORE INFORMATION 

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Forsyth Park 450 Bull St,, Savannah, GA, United States

COME RIDE WITH US Saturday, 12 February, 9:00am, Islands Ride, Meet/park at the corner of Bull and Gaston. From there, we ride south on Diamond Causeway where there is a clearly identified bike lane. Journey on to Burnside Island, then east to Jalapeno’s Restaurant in Sandfly for a rest. Continue to Isle of Hope before ... Read more

BRAG Winter Ride

SureStay Plus Hotel By Best Western St Marys Cumberland 2710 Osborne Road, St Marys, GA, United States

Winter Ride is a great late-winter escape, a relaxed multisport event suitable for all levels of biking. Each day ride to different locations in the St. Marys area and visit such attractions as Cumberland Island, Fernandina Beach, Amelia Island, and Kings Bay Submarine Base. Each night's stay is in hotels. Non-riders are also welcomed. MORE ... Read more

Coastal Bicycle Touring Club Weekly Ride

Millstone Landing 55 Millstone Landing Road, Hardeeville, SC, United States

COME RIDE WITH US! Saturday, 19 February, 9:00am, Hardeeville Ride. 21/34/42. Meet/park at Millstone Landings, 55 Millstone Landing Road, Hardeeville, SC. Out-and-back routes along rural South Carolina roads with little to no traffic. Ride leader: David Jackson, 301-237-1892, davidcjackson1219@yahoo.com

Macon Bike Party – Greenwood Bottom-Industrial District

Luther Williams Field 225 Willie Smokey Glover Dr, Macon, GA, United States

Join us Thursday, March 10th for Macon Bike Party's Greenwood Bottom and Industrial Macon ride! We'll ride through historic Greenwood Bottom and learn about Industrial Macon's lost neighborhood - Tybee. -- THE DETAILS -- Macon Bike Party is a FREE, slow-paced community bicycle ride for people of all ages and skills levels. Come enjoy our ... Read more


Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 26. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.

Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 9. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.


Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 7. All participants must wear helmets. Ice cold lemonade will be available for purchase. Proceeds benefit the Arbery Family.


July Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, July 23. All participants must wear helmets.


August Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, August 20. All participants must wear helmets.


September Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, September 24. All participants must wear helmets.


October Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, October 22. All participants must wear helmets.


26th Annual Cruisin’ in the Country Bicycle Ride

Cruisin' Headquarters, Evans County Public Fishing Area Event Center 4757 Area Line Road, Claxton, GA, United States

The Claxton-Evans County Chamber of Commerce is proud to sponsor the 26th Annual Cruisin’ in the Country Bicycle Ride, Saturday, November 12th, 2022. This year’s event will be headquartered at the Evans County Public Fishing Area, 4757 Area Line Road, Claxton, Georgia. This beautiful 372- acre site is owned and operated by the Georgia Department ... Read more

November Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, January 21. All participants must wear helmets.


February Justice for Ahmaud Community Bike Ride – Copy

Howard Coffin Park 1402 Sonny Miller Way, Brunswick, GA, United States

This community bike ride, led by the Gullah/Geechee BRAG Dream Team, will leave from Howard Coffin Community Park, 1402 Sonny Miller Way at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 25. All participants must wear helmets.


Beautiful Backroads Century

AZ, India

The BBC will be celebrating the 23rd Annual Bike Ride hosted by Anheuser-Busch, Cartersville, GA again this September! Save your spot now and take advantage of our early-bird pricing. Ride options of 14-miles, 31-miles, 48-miles, 67-miles (metric century), 100-miles. This ride supports Hickory Log, a local Personal Care Home, providing a caring, loving environment for ... Read more

Plains, Trains, & Bike Chains

AZ, India

Plains, Trains and Bike Chains highlights the historic town of Plains, the SAM Shortline train, and the beautiful bicycle-friendly country roads of southwest Georgia. It coincides with the Plains Peanut Festival the fourth Saturday of each September. Ride your bicycle to Plains from GA Veterans State Park or Americus. Explore downtown Plains and the Jimmy ... Read more

$39 – $49

4th Annual Maj. Taylor Black History Ride

Lake Spivey Recreation 2300 Walt Stephens Rd, Jonesboro, United States

Come out and help LevelUP Cycling Club honor the pioneer of cycling for African Americans "Major Taylor" on February 24th, at 9:00 am. More details to come soon!!!!!!!!!!!

6G2 Gravel Grinder

Camp Frank D Merrill 1 Camp Merrill Road, Dahlonega, United States

Place Camp Merrill 1 Camp Merrill Rd, 5th Ranger Training Battalion Dahlonega, GA US 30533 Description The organizers of the Six Gap Century, Six Gap Fifty are bringing you a whole new kind of ride. Join us for our 2nd Annual Gravel Ride! 9000 6G2/9, brings you 80 miles and 80% Gravel. The 9,000 feet ... Read more



Camp Frank D Merrill 1 Camp Merrill Road, Dahlonega, United States

The organizers of the Six Gap Century, Six Gap Fifty are bringing you a whole new kind of ride. Join us for our 2nd Annual Gravel Ride! 9000 6G2/9, brings you 80 miles and 80% Gravel. The 9,000 feet of climbing is just the type of challenge that is worth completing. You will absolutely earn ... Read more


Cycle Social: Downtown

The Sentient Bean 13 E Park Ave, Savannah, GA, United States

Join us each month for a casual, family-friendly bike ride at a different spot in Savannah or Chatham County. This month we’ll meet at 6 p.m. at the Sentient Bean for a ride around downtown Savannah. Lights and helmets required. Please bring your bike and water. Ride distance is approximately 5.5 miles. The ride is ... Read more

Six Gap Century

Lumpkin County High School 2001 Indian Drive, Dahlonega, GA, United States

During the last weekend of September, two days of bicycling fun with a weekend-long expo and a day of cycling through the beautiful mountains of North Georgia. Thousands of cyclists will gather for the Six Gap Bike Expo. The following day, around 3,000 cyclists are expected to make the annual uphill pilgrimage in three non­competitive ... Read more


2024 Athens to Savannah Ride

Athens GA, United States +2 more

2024 marks the 25th year of the Athens to Savannah Ride. Gravel cyclists roll out of Athens on Thursday, October 17th for the 4-day ride to Savannah. Each day takes riders to a new destination on courses through rural Georgia. Gravel riders can expect amazing terrain - from the red clay of the hilly Piedmont ... Read more
