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Open Streets Macon: Houston Avenue
March 12, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT
FreeBring your friends and family, and share in the experience of enjoying our city streets as public space!
Join Bike Walk Macon for a special spring Open Streets Macon on Sunday, March 12th from 1 PM to 4 PM! The streets of Macon will leap to life as Houston Avenue (Villa Crest Ave. to Lynmore Ave.) becomes a paved park. The street will be closed to motorized traffic for Maconites to enjoy their city streets as public space. There is no registration, and Open Streets Macon is FREE and open to the public.
Organized by Bike Walk Macon, Open Streets Macon is a car-free celebration of public space; bringing people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds together to walk, skate, bike, play, and re-imagine how we use our public streets.
Open Streets programs, also known as Ciclovias, are a movement to activate people, strengthen businesses, and inspire public spaces by temporarily closing streets to cars. This is a free, regularly occurring program that offers Macon the opportunity to experience city streets in a whole new way, taking an active role in this global movement.
Sunday, March 12th from 1 PM to 4 PM
Houston Avenue (Villa Crest Ave. to Lynmore Ave.)
1. Organize an activity on the day – we are seeking business and community partners to provide programmings such as yoga, dance, basketball, and kid- and senior-friendly activities along the route. Sign up at www.openstreetsmacon.com/activitypartners/.
2. Join the volunteer team – In order to make this a safe and enjoyable event for all, we need dozens of dedicated volunteers to help bring the streets of Macon to life! Sign up to volunteer at www.openstreetsmacon.com/volunteer.
Read more about the initiative and how to get involved at www.openstreetsmacon.com.