Thanks to funding from FHWA’s Accelerating Safety Activities Program, Georgia Bikes coordinated a traveling workshop on the benefits and importance of Complete Streets conversions and refuge islands for improved bicyclist safety.
From 2011 to 2012, bicyclist fatalities rose more than 50% in Georgia. Urban arterial roads often pose significant risks to bicyclist safety due to high motor vehicle speeds and traffic volume, but proven design countermeasures effectively address common safety issues and improve access for all roadway users.
With experts from the City of Atlanta, ALTA Planning+Design, and GDOT, Georgia Bikes shared case studies and design guidance for Complete Streets conversions and refuge islands, as well as additional recommendations from AASHTO and the NACTO Urban Bikeway Design Guide.
Workshops were conducted in Atlanta, Augusta, Athens, Savannah and Columbus from July-November 2013.
This training supports the vision and goals of the state’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Action Plan, and GDOT’s Complete Streets Design Policy adopted in 2012.