Please Read Before Using Our Events Calendar
The Georgia Bikes events calendar includes virtual and in-person events. You may submit your event free-of-charge using this form. If you would like to learn how to attract more attendees and support our advocacy efforts, check out our Supporting Events Program.
Before hosting or participating in an in-person event, please consult the latest COVID-19 guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Georgia Department of Public Health.
Georgia Bikes makes every effort to verify the information submitted here. However, event details and published information are the responsibility of the event organizer and, by submitting event details, the submitting individual/organization agrees to indemnify Georgia Bikes against any claim of inaccurate information and copyright violation, as well as all other potential issues that may arise. If you have any questions about an event on our calendar, please reach out to that event’s organizer.
Each event on our calendar includes a link to the website or Facebook page of the event organizers. Please check the details available via these links to get the latest information on cancellations, postponements, schedule updates, or other details that may not be reflected on our calendar.