This is fantastic news for bike advocacy in Georgia: The Knight Foundation has extended invitations to Mayor Teresa Tomlinson and Georgia Department of Transportation Board member Sam Wellborn, both of Columbus, Georgia to join a group of “Civic Innovators”
from nine U.S. cities on an all-expense paid trip to Copenhagen, Denmark, one of the world’s “most livable cities”. The trip will take place from August 23-29, 2014 and will study building more livable, sustainable and engaged cities. The trip will include a master class at the Copenhagen studio of Gehl Architects, meetings and tours with Copenhagen public officials and a side trip to Malmo, Sweden, to explore its transformation from an industrial port city to a burgeoning high-tech economy. Participants will be challenged to address how these best practices may be adapted to improve their own communities. For one of GDOT’s Board members to see what is arguably the most bike friendly city in the world in action…it’s an amazing opportunity for the state of Georgia. As if that’s not exciting enough, Columbus is the site of our upcoming, 5th annual Georgia Bike Summit – what perfect timing for the mayor to see what’s possible for Columbus!