Last year, three state Representatives from Gainesville introduced HB 689, which would 1) require tags and registration for bicycles, 2) remove the right to ride two abreast, 3) require bizarre spacing requirements for group rides, and 4) declare certain unrestricted public roadways “off limits” to people on bikes.
This bill was introduced on the last day of last year’s legislative session.
Bills introduced in the General Assembly are technically “alive” for the two years of any given legislative session (we are entering the second year of the two year session this January). In essence, bills introduced within the two-year span remain on the docket until the whole docket is cleared at the end of the second year. HB 689’s sponsors could bring it up for a vote this year, and rest assured we’ll be watching for any activity on HB 689, but it’s not moving now and we see no reason to think it will move forward in January. It is highly unlikely this bill will even make it to a floor vote in the House, and we know it has no chance of passing the Senate. HB 689 is not the law and has not been voted on by any legislator.
Thanks to Georgia Bikes, you have a lobbyist representing your interests and keeping a close eye on bills like this that impact your rights and safety. If you appreciate having a watchdog at the Gold Dome, please become a member!
We’ll post any updates about HB 689, or other legislation that affects cyclists, here and on our social media.